Sunday, September 25, 2011

A ReWeave A Week: Fairytale Tarot Challenge During NoMoWriMo

For the past few years, "The Fairytale Tarot" by Karen Mahony has been one of my favorite things to experience. Each card has a fairytale that represents the archetype -- and the accompanying book provides the text to the tale. The stories associated with the deck have given me a lot of insight.

For the 77 weeks beginning November 1st-- I'm going to select a card from the top of the deck and reweave the fairytale that is chosen. Typically, I write Fantasy and Science Fiction, but who knows -- maybe I'll be compelled to try new genres. Anything goes -- as long as the concept follows the original. Throughout the rest of the week I may post background info on the original folktale.

Now, here's your challenge:
        The deck is supposed to have 78 cards, which means I've misplaced one. It happens all the time. Sometimes they end up as bookmarks as I'm lulling over the meaning of the card, or in some random part of my house -- as I get sidetracked easily by shiny things. Anyhow, at the end of the 77 weeks, I'll run a contest -- the first person to guess which card of the Tarot Deck is missing  -- wins. I'll send that person a free collection of each one of my three books -- signed. Just post your answer in the comment section with a date and time. By the way -- I don't know which card it is, yet. We're all going to have to use deduction to find out. But don't worry... I'll tell you each card that's drawn every week.

Okay, so now the fun starts. Today, I'm going to pick which story will be ReWeaved first.
(Shuffling the deck and putting it into the stack it will stay in from here on out)

Well -- looks like I got one a lot of us will be familiar with. The deck has tales from all over the world, some obscure and some very familiar. So, our first story is:

Hansel and Gretel
Six of Cups

Stay tuned for a ReWeave of Hansel and Gretel on November 1st

Robin Coe is the author of fantasy novels "Fly on the Wall", "The Book of Wrath" and the "Illustrated Book of Wrath" series.

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